Portrait Tips Any Photographer Can Make Use Of

When it comes to portraits, some seem to catch the eye more than others. What makes these pictures stand out? Ask any portrait photographers Essex and they will tell you that there are things you can easily do to give your portraits the wow factor that may have been missing. Here are a few to try when taking your next shots of children or adults of any age.

  1. Frame the subject. This draws attention to the person rather than other elements of the image. Place the subject in a doorway, have them put their hands around their face or find anything in the area that may be used as a frame. You'll quickly notice a difference between these and other shots you have taken in the past.
  2. Experiment with different backgrounds. At times, no background other than a solid color works best for your shot. Other times though, a fussy background actually draws more attention to the subject and really draws the eye to the person rather than the background.
  3. Change the angle of your camera. Tilt the camera slightly and take the shot. Get down on your stomach and shoot up or shoot down from above the person. This changes the whole perspective of the shot and gives you a different look at the person.
  4. Don't focus in properly. This may be done in one of two ways. Use a large aperture so a narrow depth of field is created. If you focus on something close to the subject, the subject will be slightly blurred. If you focus on something far away, the entire image will be very blurry.

There are just a few ways to improve on portraits. Many other techniques may be used. The more you experiment, the easier it will be to take natural portraits which you are sure to be proud of.


If you are looking for an Essex portrait photographer please contact Michelle Winstanley on

07563 762074 


Michelle Winstanley Photography

335 Rayne Road




United Kingdom

07563 762074

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